AI arrests Donald Trump 👀

(Total read time: 2 minutes)

Hello and welcome back to another exciting day in AI.

A lot’s happening, so let's cut to the chase. Here's what you’ll get today:

⚡ 4 AI tools to supercharge your productivity

💪 3 AI tutorials to level up your skills

🤖 2 must-know things happening in AI

📸 1 Picture of the day

⚡ 4 AI tools to supercharge your productivity

  1. Scispace AI: Your personal AI research assistant. It highlights confusing text, math, and tables to get simple explanations. You can also ask follow-up questions and get instant answers. (link)

  2. Timely Memory: An AI-powered time tracker to help you understand where you spend your time. Accurate down to the minute. (link)

  3. Sheet AI: Describe what you want in plain English and get it converted into spreadsheet formulas using AI. (link)

  4. Visla AI: An AI-powered video generator that helps you create high-quality videos quickly and efficiently. (link)

💪 3 AI tutorials to level up your skills

  1. How to remove any object from an image with AI. (link)

  2. How to convert simple sketches into realistic images using AI. (link)

  3. How to create an e-book using ChatGPT and earn up to $2500 per week. (link)

🤖 2 must-know things happening in AI

  1. Microsoft launches Loop — a Notion-like hub for managing tasks and projects that sync across Microsoft 365 apps and services. Loop consists of three main elements:

    • Loop components

    • Loop workspaces

    • Loop pages

    These elements can be used to paste real-time blocks of content into apps like Outlook, Microsoft Teams and Word. See it in action here.

  1. Adobe Photoshop now has an AI plugin powered by Stable Diffusion. With generative AI features, you can now create, edit, and iterate images directly within Photoshop. See it in action here.

 📸 Picture of the day

AI-generated images of Donald Trump getting arrested go viral. (source)

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Until next time!
