You're officially Superhuman 🤖

Hey ― Zain here. Welcome to the Superhuman tribe! You're receiving this email because you signed up to my newsletter via my Twitter or LinkedIn profile.

I'm here to do 2 things for you:

  1. Help you understand what's going on in AI, in plain simple English.

  2. Show you how to leverage AI to boost your productivity and accelerate your career.

You're probably here because you know AI is the next big thing ― but you're not sure where to start and you don't have the time to keep up with everything.

That's what I'm here for!

Think of me as your personal researcher: I'll spend hours every week researching everything you need to know about AI, and share it with you in this short and insight-packed weekly email.

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Thanks for signing up. I'm excited to have you here!Zain